Stress shopping: Overcome This Negative Trend

The busy pace of life we lead generates anxiety and nervousness in our minds. One of the most common symptoms is STRESS SHOPPING. We seek to relieve tension through the purchase of any kind of objects: clothes, makeup, bags, etc. This is a system of rewards: we reward ourselves for having worked hard. Our brain releases pleasant substances, we feel better for a few minutes and we repeat that behavior again. The point is that this behavior becomes addictive and can negatively affect our monthly budget. Here are some good ideas to control this issue.

Recognizing the problem

The first step in managing STRESS SHOPPING is the most important one: recognizing the problem. You must be honest with yourself and realize that you are shopping to relieve tension and not because you need the product. Keep in mind that many of your purchases could be influenced by advertising and some television series. That’s why it’s important that you don’t buy at the first impulse. Ask yourself: “Do I need this product?” “Am I going to use it?” “Do I already have a product like this at home?. Before buying a non-essential product, seriously analyze whether you need it or not.

Analyzing the causes

Many times we go shopping because we are dissatisfied with our job, we argue often with our partner, we get along badly with some relatives, etc. Buying a nice object relieves us momentarily, but then we feel empty again and go out to buy again. That behavior can be repeated over and over again. For this reason, before buying compulsively we should investigate what we don’t like about our reality: job, couple, family ties, etc. When we start to analyze what is happening to us, we will realize that buying does not solve anything

Taking care of the monthly budget

STRESS SHOPPING leads you to buy things you don’t need, which seriously damages your monthly budget. The worst thing is that you will lack money to buy what you really need. To prevent this from happening, follow these tips.

Identify your moods: don’t buy anything if you feel sad, nervous or angry.

Buy strictly what you need: keep a list of what you are going to buy.

Control your finances: fixed income, fixed expenses, savings, unexpected expenses, etc.

If you find it hard to control STRESS SHOPPING, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. A therapist will know how to guide you to correct your behaviour.